The research for this book did not only include her education in Biochemistry at Cornell or Medicine at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, but mainly from reading Biochemistry textbooks on her own, looking at cookbooks from all different cultures, and researching the diets of indigenous peoples around the world. Dr. Cate states that we do not have to go back far to find healthier cultures - before the 1950s, most diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's were much more unusual than they are today.
From her research, she discovered all cultures focused on what she calls the Four Pillars of the Human Diet:
This book is close to 500 pages and goes deep into the science of why we need to avoid vegetable oils and sugars and include the Four Pillars in our diets if we don't want to get roped into the health care system with a disease later on in life. My opinion is that this is a great book if you have an interest in the Biochemistry - how everything we eat affects our cells throughout our body and also our genes. This book had a little too much science for me but I am definitely glad I read it because it has a TON of great information. She even gives tips on things like making your own salad dressings. If you want a shorter version, look for her book Food Rules. For more book reviews/descriptions, check out my Recommended Books page.
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March 2024