Shawn StevensonShawn is a nutritionist and health coach who runs his own practice, runs a wildly popular podcast called The Model Health Show, and also the author of the bestselling book, Sleep Smarter.
Here is the research I have done:
Steven GundryDr. Gundry is a former heart surgeon and currently a nutritionist who has a large following from his books, Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution, The Plant Paradox, The Longevity Paradox, and more. He is known for popularizing his lectin-free, plant-based diet that is designed to strengthen your immune system.
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Ben GreenfieldBen has far too many accomplishments to list here. Currently, he is a health and fitness coach for top-performing athletes and fellow CEOs. He is also a competitive spearfisher, bow hunter, obstacle racer, and author of over a dozen books. Ben is known for being a leader in the bio-hacking community as well as coaching athletes on optimizing performance and health.
Here is the research I have done:
Mike MatthewsMike is a strength and conditioning coach through his popular books and programs, Bigger Leaner Stronger for men and Thinner Leaner Stronger for women. He mainly coaches beginners who want to build muscle tone and program that is easy to follow and backed up by research.
Here is the research I have done:
Catherine ShanahanDr. Cate is a nutritionist who has worked in all sides of the medical field from a regular clinic/hospital, to her own clinic, the LA Lakers nutrition team. and she currently works with a company that cares about their employees enough to hire her for their employees to consult with. She has done great work to influence as many people as possible to stop eating processed foods and to eat more real foods. Her book, Deep Nutrition, is loaded with research, very popular, and highly recommended by several other experts when they suggest the best books on nutrition.
Here is the research I have done:
Kelly StarrettKelly is a physical therapist and strength and conditioning coach who is insanely popular in the CrossFit community. He owned the 21st CrossFit gym and was also part of the world champion American Row Team. He has worked with several organizations from multiple branches of the military to the NFL to the NBA. His bestselling book, Becoming a Supple Leopard, teaches you basic movements so that you can get moving like an athlete. Him and his wife, Juliet Starrett, also own a non-profit organization, Stand Up Kids, to assist and educate schools on standing desks in classrooms.
Here is the research I have done:
Greg Nuckols |
Greg is a strength coach who has broken multiple world records in Powerlifting. He is most well-known for his research into the science of lifting which he shares through his website and podcast, Stronger By Science. On his website, him and other science-based weightlifting/bodybuilding/powerlifting coaches and researchers collaborate on a monthly program, Monthly Applications in Strength Sport, which takes a deep dive into the research every month on a specific topic related to weightlifting and reports what we can take back from that research.
Here is the research I have done: